Home Details for 233 Lafayette Street 5 Listing Courtesy: Charlesgate Realty Group, llc - 617-587-0100
Renovated 1.5 bedroom apartment available on ASAP. Fully rehabbed in 2021, including new hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, granite counters, tiled bath, office/den, and in-unit laundry. Heat/hot water included. Short walk to historic downtown Salem. Convenient to Salem State University, Downtown Salem, bus lines, less than a mile to the Commuter Rail. BlueBikes station right outside the front door. Short drive to North Shore beaches and regional amenities.
. Presented by: William Cordts The property listing data and information, or the Images, set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc. from third party sources, including sellers, lessors, landlords and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc. The property listing data and information, and the Images, are for the personal, non-commercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing, leasing or renting listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing, leasing or renting. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information, or as to the accuracy of any of the Images, set forth herein. Copyright ©2025 MLS Property Information Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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85 Wilmington Road, Burlington, MA 01803
Brenda Cahoon
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